987 research outputs found

    Event activity-dependence of jet production in p-Pb collisions at sNN=5.02\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 5.02 TeV measured with semi-inclusive hadron+jet correlations by ALICE

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    We report measurement of the semi-inclusive distribution of charged-particle jets recoiling from a high transverse momentum (pTp_{\rm T}) hadron trigger, for p-Pb collisions at sNN=5.02\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 5.02 TeV, in p-Pb events classified by event activity. This observable has been measured in pp and Pb-Pb collisions at the LHC, providing a new probe to measure quenching. Jets are reconstructed from charged particle tracks using anti-ktk_{\rm t} with R=0.4R = 0.4 and low IR cutoff of jet constituents (pT,track>0.15p_{\rm T,track} > 0.15 GeV/cc). The complex uncorrelated jet background is corrected by a data-driven approach. Recoil jet distributions are reported for 15<pT,jetch<5015 < p_{\rm T,jet}^{\rm ch} < 50 GeV/cc. Events are classified by signal in the ALICE V0A detector, which measures forward multiplicity, and ZNA, which measures the number of neutrons at zero degrees. This self-normalized observable does not require scaling of reference distributions by TpAT_{\rm pA} , thereby avoiding the need for geometric modeling. We compare the trigger-normalized recoil jet yield for p-Pb collisions with different event activity to measure the effects of jet quenching in small systems at the LHC.Comment: Proceedings of the Quark Matter 2017 conference, February 6-11, 201

    Correlations and flavors in jets in ALICE

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    We report on the measurement of hadron composition in charged jets in pp at s=7\sqrt{s}=7 TeV and show the first data on particle type dependent jet fragmentation at the LHC. Further, we present (Λ+Λˉ)/2(\Lambda+\bar{\Lambda})/2KS0^{0}_{\mathrm{S}} ratios measured in charged jets in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}} = 2.76 TeV and in p-Pb collisions at sNN=5.02\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}} = 5.02 TeV. While the ratio of the inclusive pTp_{\mathrm{T}} spectra of Λ\Lambda and KS0^{0}_{\mathrm{S}} exhibits centrality dependent enhancement both in Pb-Pb and p-Pb system, the (Λ+Λˉ)/2(\Lambda+\bar{\Lambda})/2KS0^{0}_{\mathrm{S}} ratio measured in charged jets reveals that jet fragmentation does not contribute to the observed baryon anomaly. Finally, we discuss the measurement of semi-inclusive pTp_{\mathrm{T}} spectra of charged jets that recoil from a high-pTp_{\mathrm{T}} hadron trigger in Pb-Pb and pp collisions at sNN=2.76\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}} = 2.76 TeV and s=7\sqrt{s} = 7 TeV, respectively. The jet yield uncorrelated with the trigger hadron is removed at the event-ensemble level without introducing a bias on the jet population which is therefore infrared and collinear safe. The recoil jet yield in central Pb-Pb is found to be suppressed w.r.t. that from pp PYTHIA reference. On the other hand, there is no sign of intra-jet broadening even for anti-kTk_{\mathrm{T}} jets with a resolution parameter as large as R=0.5R=0.5.Comment: Proceedings of Strangeness in Quark Matter conference, 6 July - 11 July 2015, Dubna, Russi


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    The U-120M cyclotron at the Nuclear Physics Institute (NPI) of the Czech Academy of Sciences in Rez is used for radiation hardness tests of electronics for high-energy physics experiments. These tests are usually carried out with proton fluxes of the order of 105–109 proton·cm−2·s−1. Some tests done for the upgrade of the Inner Tracking System of the ALICE experiment at CERN, however, required proton beam intensities several orders of magnitude lower. This paper presents a method which has been developed to achieve the proton beam flux of the order of 1 proton · cm−2·s−1. The method is mainly based on reduction of the discharge current in the cyclotron internal Penning type ion source. Influence of this new operation mode on the lifetime of ion source cathodes is discussed

    Shadow epitaxy for in-situ growth of generic semiconductor/superconductor devices

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    Uniform, defect-free crystal interfaces and surfaces are crucial ingredients for realizing high-performance nanoscale devices. A pertinent example is that advances in gate-tunable and topological superconductivity using semiconductor/superconductor electronic devices are currently built on the hard proximity-induced superconducting gap obtained from epitaxial indium arsenide/aluminium heterostructures. Fabrication of devices requires selective etch processes; these exist only for InAs/Al hybrids, precluding the use of other, potentially superior material combinations. We present a crystal growth platform -- based on three-dimensional structuring of growth substrates -- which enables synthesis of semiconductor nanowire hybrids with in-situ patterned superconductor shells. This platform eliminates the need for etching, thereby enabling full freedom in choice of hybrid constituents. We realise and characterise all the most frequently used architectures in superconducting hybrid devices, finding increased yield and electrostatic stability compared to etched devices, along with evidence of ballistic superconductivity. In addition to aluminium, we present hybrid devices based on tantalum, niobium and vanadium. This is the submitted version of the manuscript. The accepted, peer reviewed version is available from Advanced Materials: http://doi.org/10.1002/adma.201908411 Previous title: Shadow lithography for in-situ growth of generic semiconductor/superconductor device

    Field effect enhancement in buffered quantum nanowire networks

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    III-V semiconductor nanowires have shown great potential in various quantum transport experiments. However, realizing a scalable high-quality nanowire-based platform that could lead to quantum information applications has been challenging. Here, we study the potential of selective area growth by molecular beam epitaxy of InAs nanowire networks grown on GaAs-based buffer layers. The buffered geometry allows for substantial elastic strain relaxation and a strong enhancement of field effect mobility. We show that the networks possess strong spin-orbit interaction and long phase coherence lengths with a temperature dependence indicating ballistic transport. With these findings, and the compatibility of the growth method with hybrid epitaxy, we conclude that the material platform fulfills the requirements for a wide range of quantum experiments and applications

    Development of Nb-GaAs based superconductor semiconductor hybrid platform by combining in-situ dc magnetron sputtering and molecular beam epitaxy

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    We present Nb thin films deposited in-situ on GaAs by combining molecular beam epitaxy and magnetron sputtering within an ultra-high vacuum cluster. Nb films deposited at varying power, and a reference film from a commercial system, are compared. The results show clear variation between the in-situ and ex-situ deposition which we relate to differences in magnetron sputtering conditions and chamber geometry. The Nb films have critical temperatures of around 9K9 \textrm{K}. and critical perpendicular magnetic fields of up to Bc2=1.4TB_{c2} = 1.4 \textrm{T} at 4.2K4.2 \textrm{K}. From STEM images of the GaAs-Nb interface we find the formation of an amorphous interlayer between the GaAs and the Nb for both the ex-situ and in-situ deposited material.Comment: 12 pages paper, 9 pages supplementary, 6 figures paper, 7 figures supplementar

    Growth of InAs Wurtzite Nanocrosses from Hexagonal and Cubic Basis

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    Epitaxially connected nanowires allow for the design of electron transport experiments and applications beyond the standard two terminal device geometries. In this Letter, we present growth methods of three distinct types of wurtzite structured InAs nanocrosses via the vapor–liquid–solid mechanism. Two methods use conventional wurtzite nanowire arrays as a 6-fold hexagonal basis for growing single crystal wurtzite nanocrosses. A third method uses the 2-fold cubic symmetry of (100) substrates to form well-defined coherent inclusions of zinc blende in the center of the nanocrosses. We show that all three types of nanocrosses can be transferred undamaged to arbitrary substrates, which allows for structural, compositional, and electrical characterization. We further demonstrate the potential for synthesis of as-grown nanowire networks and for using nanowires as shadow masks for in situ fabricated junctions in radial nanowire heterostructures

    Terahertz probing of anisotropic conductivity and morphology of CuMnAs epitaxial thin films

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    Antiferromagnetic CuMnAs thin films have attracted attention since the discovery of the manipulation of their magnetic structure via electrical, optical, and terahertz pulses of electric fields, enabling convenient approaches to the switching between magnetoresistive states of the film for the information storage. However, the magnetic structure and, thus, the efficiency of the manipulation can be affected by the film morphology and growth defects. In this study, we investigate the properties of CuMnAs thin films by probing the defect-related uniaxial anisotropy of electric conductivity by contact-free terahertz transmission spectroscopy. We show that the terahertz measurements conveniently detect the conductivity anisotropy, that are consistent with conventional DC Hall-bar measurements. Moreover, the terahertz technique allows for considerably finer determination of anisotropy axes and it is less sensitive to the local film degradation. Thanks to the averaging over a large detection area, the THz probing also allows for an analysis of strongly non-uniform thin films. Using scanning near-field terahertz and electron microscopies, we relate the observed anisotropic conductivity of CuMnAs to the elongation and orientation of growth defects, which influence the local microscopic conductivity. We also demonstrate control over the morphology of defects by using vicinal substrates.Comment: 33 pages, 16 figure

    Molecular beam epitaxy of CuMnAs

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    We present a detailed study of the growth of the tetragonal polymorph of antiferromagnetic CuMnAs by the molecular beam epitaxy technique. We explore the parameter space of growth conditions and their effect on the microstructural and transport properties of the material. We identify its typical structural defects and compare the properties of epitaxial CuMnAs layers grown on GaP, GaAs and Si substrates. Finally, we investigate the correlation between the crystalline quality of CuMnAs and its performance in terms of electrically induced resistance switching.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures and supplementary materia